Saturday, October 5, 2013

To my ladies

Ladies -
There have been some hard topics to talk about that I want to have a family discussion about here. But I'm a bit confused about how to share them with you. A blog seems too open, too impersonal, just too world wide web ish. Yet communication has changed so much and I don't want to be too old school.

So I need your advice...should I just open up here, or create a separate private blog, or use some other medium? Let me know your thoughts, cause I really value your opinion as the godly, wise women that you are.

Btw - I struggled here with how to address you says you should be referred to as ladies since that is what you are, but to me my usual use of the title girls is more affectionate. So if you have a preference id like to know that too.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I vote email. Easier to respond.

  2. Either maybe a private blog or an email where we can "reply all" if that's what you are looking for. I'd really appreciate this.

  3. I agree with both sisters. Ps- girls or ladies are both great. :).
