Friday, April 30, 2010

Insurance and Joe status

Life is never simple...

We received word from the insurance co today that they will continue to provide 24/7 support through the end of July (a 1-month extension). Starting August 1 they will provide 16 hours / 7 days a week to continue through October (3 months). Before October they will be meeting to see how things are going before deciding what to do next. Mom and I will be praying and talking about what we should do next. But this is certainly a relief of sorts from the BIG LOOMING DEADLINE.

I think we should Praise the Lord for this for a few reasons:
1) We don't have a rush-rush with our two-month deadline (removed)
2) We get to stay at home for the full summer with Christa Joy (a major concern)

There are clearly concerns with the uncertainty. But let's just say whew and take a breather...and celebrate the positive.

To add to the challenge of the weekend, Joe has an infection that requires IV antibiotics. The arrangements are made for going to have a "PIC line" put in on Monday AM. Then we can bring him home to receive the IV therapy at home.

So keep praying that Joe will not get too sick from the infection over the weekend, otherwise we will have to take him to the hospital in Philadelphia and go in through the emergency room .

Oh, what joy being a child of the King...He can use us to show his Grace each and every day.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Visit to AZ

I'll be heading home tomorrow from a short trip to AZ where I have been with Gina and Peter for the long weekend, Thursday to Sunday. As you may know they have VERY GENEROUSLY offered to let us use their house in Scottsdale if we need it during the Summer when they aren't here (May-Sept).

We have been going through the house room-by-room talking about the little issues we might face if we have to live here. The process has been eye-opening to say the least - the home is fully furnished, and in a great location for shopping and exercise and sun (everywhere in AZ is great for sun!) Mom says if we don't HAVE to come we should at least come for a long vacation after all the stress this potential move has been.

The trip hasn't been all peaceful and relaxing -- as you may be aware Joe has had another infection that he is fighting which got me up at 5am this am (3 hour time difference from 8am ET). The Dr started him on an antibiotic that he has used effectively before for this same bug. However he has another bug also which requires IV antibiotics. We will have to wait and see if the symptoms improve...there has been a slight improvement already from 10am this morning. Keep praying.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

update call

Got a call from the insurance company today and they told us they are having a meeting to address our situation on April 30. More delays. More waiting. More patience. Lord help us!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Not this Job.

God in his divine timing has determined that the position I had applied for in the West Area was not for me. The manager called and was very complementary but had selected another candidate. While disappointing to some degree, I believe that God is in it since I would have had to tell him that I could not take it for some time anyway since I have to hear on the benefits for Joe. We are still waiting for that info at this time. Please keep praying for God's perfect answer.


Sunday, April 18, 2010


No, not that kind of expecting for heaven's sake!

But wait...before you leave, this is the week when we are expecting to hear something about:

a) the job - it has been two weeks this tuesday since I had the interview (the hiring manager thought he would have thing all wrapped up by then

b) insurance - the insurance co said that they expected to have info back by this week (usually you should take that to mean the very end of the week). They didn't promise that they would have a final conclusion for sure...just that it was their goal to have a final resolution.

...but please...don't expect too much. We don't control the timing here. We are just waiting on God to show us the way. If he decides to give us our final direction or just some more information we are more than happy to receive it.

So some other facts about this week:

~I will be traveling to Chicago on Monday am, returning Tuesday midday
~I leave for AZ on Thursday early AM returning Sunday afternoon. Going out to find out all the details about their house in the event that we need to use it while they are away for the summer (also hope to get some sun at the pool - LOL).

Family Skype
I will be home and I hope you are all going to join us for family Skype time Tuesday Eve. 7:30 ET

Let's keep praying for each other; and trusting God to provide his wisdom and leadership to all of our situations

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Interview update

The job interview went as well as can be expected...rather formal, one hour, and overall no tremendous surprises. The manager is very nice and very easy to talk to. We exchanged questions and lots of information was shared. The trip was fine too, except that it was a lot of travel for a very little amount of meeting. It gave me lots of time to catch up on email and pray and think.

But I don't have a clue what the results will be. Tracy told me that there is a very large candidate pool, which means that he has plenty of talent to choose from to get the right person. For me that means lots of competition. I did not get the sense that I was "in" or "out" at all...just no real feel for it. He did say that they expect to have this all settled in two weeks, so that would be April 20th - I think there is a theme developing here on that week (LOL).

I am again forced to rely on the Lord...He has all the cards facing him, but he know what every one is from here to there. As I prayed on the way home I felt Him tell me to trust him. I was reassured that he will be with us right through this, and that he has the exact right thing in mind for us. So I will trust him, (not to mention he is the only game in town anyway ).

Friday, April 2, 2010


Someone pointed out to Mom that this is a PUBLIC blog...had me thinking that it would be better to privatize it. SO if you are seeing this you probably have signed up and are now a registered user...hoping this works!

Case manager update #2

Got another call from the insurance co today -- they told us that they had been meeting to discuss our case and that they have to gather some more information on NJ Medicaid before they can proceed. (If you recall Mom had received a call from a social worker and really just told her that we had fully investigated Medicaid and had determined that it would not meet our needs.)

Now they tell us they need to check out the Medicaid benefits thinks what the hear will sound more optimistic then it really is (meaning that they will say that they will provide 16 hours coverage, but we believe that the rates for that coverage are sub-par and that it would be very difficult to get nurses to work for those amounts.

Anyway, they said that they now plan to provide an answer to us on the week of April 19th :(. That is really starting to push the envelope on when we need to know by in order to make a move before June 30 if necessary. So what do we do with this?

In effect we are still in the WAIT MODE, but in the mean time we will begin to take non-commital steps such as the job interview (my travel is set for Tuesday AM - interview on Tuesday PM - return Wed and maybe getting rid of more junk.