Sunday, January 5, 2014


We are FINALLY finishing our house after almost 2 years. This post is about the laundry room tile backsplash being done. Again.

You probably know the saga of our first pass, so I won't repeat. Suffice it to say I learned a few lessons about hiring contractors.

Meet Augie. He is a friend from church and bible study. He is also very good at tile, and a great guy. So on Saturday he came over, wet saw and all, and we spent the day working together to get the job done. And we did. I paid for the subs and wiped up afterwards as my contribution.

He texted me this morning to check and see if the tiles were still on the wall, which were, thankfully. And we agreed that if we ever go into business together we would have to charge by the hour.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. WOW! So impressive. Love the look!

  2. Tile looks great. And lots of lessons learned. :)

  3. The most important part of tile work is....having a friend who can do it.
