Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pictures, pictures, where are they anyway?

I seriously need some help. We have pictures all over the place on our computer, some good, some not so. But there are many places like file folders, iPhoto, dropbox, etc, and loads and loads of duplicates. I've never been so disorganized about anything, especially computer related.

But there comes a time when everyone has to grow up, and that time is now. But what in the world do I do to get with it for pictures on computers?

I'm looking for advise on how to clean up this mess and stay organized when I take more pics.

Help, please!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Ok for whatever reason this comment I posted last night never showed up. Anyway, the system I've been using for years works really well for me. I use a lot of folders. One for each year called the year name. Then inside each year folder, I have 5 folders- winter, spring, summer, fall, & holiday season. When I upload my pics every other week or so, I am careful to put them in the right folder. If it's an event with a lot of pictures, I make yet another folder inside the season with the event labeled. For example, my trip to AZ this Aug was a folder called "AZ trip" and it was inside the summer folder which was inside the 2012 folder. It really helps me to be able to stay organized, find what I need, and remember when things happened. Hope this helps!

  2. I used to use almost the exact same system as Danielle, but now that we've gone Mac I LOVE iphoto! I upload the pictures off my camera and create a new event for each different...well event! If my upload involved more than one activity that I want to separate, I make sure I create a new event and move those pictures in. I also can add photos to events that already exist if it is just a few pictures that fit in better with an already existing folder. If I find a picture on a blog or in an email that I want, or take one with photo booth I made sure I move it over to iphotos right away otherwise it will pretty much be lost forever! I think you have to pick one program and go with it all the way instead of storing pics in various places. I want to do better at also creating a shutterfly book every year or after ever major activity. Otherwise pics do get forgotten in the long run.
