Sunday, January 16, 2011

Grandparenthood bliss

Oh the bliss of grandparenthood! Vickie and I are in the throws of an exciting adventure...a new phase of life has officially started.

Actually it started months ago with the announcements of expectant mothers...first Danielle and later Jamie. This week the reality hit as we entered into danielle and adam's home and were welcomed with open arms...and met Charlotte Mae in-person for the first time.

I call this "bliss" for a lot of reasons. Of course everyone knows the best part of grandparenthood is the fact that you can leave after your part of spoiling the children is done (hey, we paid our dues x5). But the real bliss is that I am actually love-ing it already. Just the opportunity to hold this little darling in my arms, and actually think that in a small way i can call her my own g-child is totally awesome.

She really IS adorable. And her parents really do appreciate our being here. And I really am enjoying every minute.

Location:Chesapeake VA


  1. Yea! You are blogging again... It had been a while... Enjoy being grandparents!

  2. I'm so glad mom settled on a grandma name, btw!
