Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Second trip... this time for a stay

Well, Joseph was admitted to St. Joseph's hospital in Phoenix this evening.

Just to catch up on the events this week...he went home after visiting the ER on Monday, but things still weren't quite right. As it turns out the infection he was diagnosed with and treated for continued to plague him, and after a day the facility picked up an extremely low temperature (even for Joe) this AM so they sent him back this afternoon. They decided to step up the antibiotics to IV. On top of that his blood pressure dropped enough to admit him.

So now he is in the surgical ICU, and being watched carefully. He is very comfortable and looks quite good as we headed home after another long day. In summary, he has a rash (more like blotchy skin) on his legs, low blood pressure and low temp, but really he looks good and is in good care which makes us very happy.

The truth is, this is really the longest stint Joe has had without an infection (4 months). God had decided to spare us the repeated monthly infections that we were having so that we could move down here and get settled...HE is gracious!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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