No, not that kind of expecting for heaven's sake!
But wait...before you leave, this is the week when we are expecting to hear something about:
a) the job - it has been two weeks this tuesday since I had the interview (the hiring manager thought he would have thing all wrapped up by then
b) insurance - the insurance co said that they expected to have info back by this week (usually you should take that to mean the very end of the week). They didn't promise that they would have a final conclusion for sure...just that it was their goal to have a final resolution.
...but please...don't expect too much. We don't control the timing here. We are just waiting on God to show us the way. If he decides to give us our final direction or just some more information we are more than happy to receive it.
So some other facts about this week:
~I will be traveling to Chicago on Monday am, returning Tuesday midday
~I leave for AZ on Thursday early AM returning Sunday afternoon. Going out to find out all the details about their house in the event that we need to use it while they are away for the summer (also hope to get some sun at the pool - LOL).

Family Skype
I will be home and I hope you are all going to join us for family Skype time Tuesday Eve. 7:30 ET
Let's keep praying for each other; and trusting God to provide his wisdom and leadership to all of our situations
Can't wait to hear some answers in God's time. Nice pictures - they really spruced up the post!